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Yusheng 2025 ready for orders

Restaurant at home

Replicate the dining experience in your home. Our kits come with everything you need to cook a professional quality meal in your own kitchen. We tested a range of dishes from pizza and buns to curries and rendang, all designed to impress your guests.

It is easy, convenient & guaranteed to impress.

Available for islandwide delivery 24/7.

7 minute meals

Well-nourished food, better than instant noodles and faster than deliveries.

Chef prepared, healthy & instant food.

We have carefully designed a range of options for your late night meals. Have a complete meal ready in 7 minutes; all you need is an air fryer and a microwave.

Instant food does not have to be unhealthy.

Hosting guests?

If you are hosting guests at home, consider our suite of products which are pre-marinated and with ingredients assembled together. Save on costs you do not need to incur in order to have a good time.

Late night meals

Late night meals

We know how frustrating it must be scrolling through delivery apps for the same suite of options during your late nights. We want to change that experience for you.

We offer a well-planned nutritious meal, complete with vegetables, meats and noodles. And the best of all, there is no need to wait for the unreliable delivery service to arrive while your stomach is rumbling.

Give our beef tendon stew a go: We promise it will leave you satisfied, and all while being nutritious at the same time.

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Our 7-minute meals

Our 7-minute meals

Throughout the pandemic, The Yoi Group continued to develop products designed for home-cooking, working with scientists to develop products precooked and ready-to-eat. 

For example, beef rendang is produced in batches and blast frozen to preserve its quality. Unwrap the product from its packaging, pop it in the microwave and enjoy a quality product as you would in our retail restaurants.

Scientifically proven, and assurance guaranteed.

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